🌥️WhatsApp Cloud Blaster

Sometimes I fail to connect QR code. Why is this happening?

Some cases of QR code errors are due to API temporarily down or QR code expired. You need to refresh the page & wait for next scanning attempts.

Why is my WhatsApp account got blocked? I thought by using your WhatsApp Cloud Blaster software with anti ban system and my WhatsApp account won't get blocked?

Our software already installs all these functions to help you to reduce the rate of getting blocked:

  • advanced proxy to mask the real device IP address

  • Spintax function

  • delay in sending messages between WhatsApp accounts

Also, maybe this tips will help you.

  • Farm your WhatsApp accounts for 3 months before you use it for blasting purpose. Use it for normal conversation

  • Register your WhatsApp accounts with WhatsApp Business

  • Install proxy to your account to make it even harder for WhatsApp to detect your IP address. Bare in mind that on our backend of the software, we have already installed proxies. If you need more proxies, you can add more yourself. Go through our guide to know how, https://docs.yaeris.com/services/whatsapp-cloud-blaster-software/proxies-module

Also, please bare in mind that we are providing blasting software to you. We do not responsible if your WhatsApp account got blocked. So please don't use your real official WhatsApp accounts.

How does your anti ban system works with advanced proxy?

As for anti ban system, we are using multiple proxies to mask your real device IPs away from WhatsApp. This way WhatsApp will not block your real account.

This anti ban system is not going to be 100% anti ban. However, it will reduce the chance of your WhatsApp account getting blocked by WhatsApp for good. Please bare in mind that we are only a software provider. We build useful functions that will help you, but we are not responsible to the result you expect to achieve. For eg, you expect/assume that your WhatsApp accounts will never get block for 1 year after you blast a large volume. We are not able to control this outcome.

Our software has given you a function where you can install your own proxy in the software to mask the WhatsApp accounts you are using to blast your message.

Why does the reports show the system has sent out 2 additional messages?

The report maybe misleading as this system is built upon NodeJS. This error occurs due to operation within NodeJS server. Hence, the error will not be fixed anytime soon.

Why do I receive question marks for the emoji I have inserted?

This is because you are not using our software emoji. You need to use our internal software emoji.

Why is there no WhatsApp group pops out in the Export Participants module?

You need to send a message in the WhatsApp Group which you want to export out first. Once you have sent any message in the group, the system will be able to detect your WhatsApp group which you want to export the contact out.

Why my campaign fails to send out message?

This is because the connection to your WhatsApp account has been cut off. You need to reconnect to your WhatsApp account again and recreate your campaign again.

Why my campaign is not moving at all? It has been more than 2 hours

The reason your campaign is not moving at all is due to:

  • Lost connection with WhatsApp Web

    • Solution: Remove existing WhatsApp Web connection and reconnect again by scanning the QR code again

  • Temporary spike in high usage of server traffic

    • Solution: Be patient and come back to check your campaign after 24 hours

  • The WhatsApp account got blocked/banned

    • Solution: Replace another new WhatsApp account

Last updated