Employee Setup
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Last updated
In this section, let's us dive deeper in how to insert the data correctly in Excel sheet / CSV file. Here is the list of field which you are required to fill in once you have downloaded our Excel template from our software
Important Note: All fields are mandatory if you are using bulk upload or Excel sheet. If you want to leave the field blank, you need to insert at least something in the field. Please go through the guide below.
Name: Insert employee's name
DOB (Date of birth): Insert employee's date of birth. If you want to leave this blank, please insert this instead, "0000-00-00"
Gender: Type in either Male or Female
Phone: Insert your employee's phone number. If you like to ignore this, please insert "0" sign.
Address: Insert your employee's full address. If you like to ignore this, please insert "-" sign.
Email: Insert your employee's email address. This is mandatory.
Password: Insert a password for your employee so that he/she can login to HRM to download payslip and etc. This is mandatory.
Employee ID: Insert the ID which you have created in HRM System > Employee Setup. This is how you retrieve your ID. In this case, your employee ID is just 1 (Not #EMP0000001)
Branch ID: Insert the ID which you have created in HRM System > HRM System Setup > Branch. This is how you retrieve your ID. The 1st entry is always 1. The 2nd entry is 2 and so on.
Department ID: Insert the ID which you have created in HRM System > HRM System Setup > Department. The process of retrieving the ID is the same way as Branch ID. The 1st entry is always 1. The 2nd entry is 2 and so on.
Designation ID: Insert the ID which you have created in HRM System > HRM System Setup > Designation. The process of retrieving the ID is the same way as Branch ID. The 1st entry is always 1. The 2nd entry is 2 and so on.
Company Date of Joined: Insert employee joined date. If you like to ignore this, please insert "0000-00-00" sign.
Account Holder Name: Insert employee bank account name
Account Number: Insert employee bank account number
Bank Name: Insert the bank your employee use
Bank Identifier Code: Insert bank SWIFT Code or any other identifier. If you like to ignore this, please insert "-" sign.
Branch Location: Insert bank's branch location. If you like to ignore this, please insert "-" sign.
Tax Payer ID: Insert employee bank account name. If you like to ignore this, please insert "0000-00-00" sign.